A) To increase awareness of breast cancer through our public
- Development of pamphlets and programs within our community
for women and men of all ages.
- Promote breast cancer awareness through public education
and communication programs for all community members.
B) To celebrate life through the pursuit of fitness and wellness
- To promote health and healthy living through active participation
in health and fitness programs.
- Development of pamphlets, newsletters for community members
to pick up, TV coverage.
- To promote education in conventional and holistic cancer
treatments and healthy lifestyle choices. – garage sales,
mall days, special outings.
C) To have hope, fun and give mutual support
- To give physical and psychological support to team members,
support group, and anyone asking for help who is a survivor
or supporter of a survivor.
- To develop and participate in activities which propagate
team spirit and camaraderie.
D) To honor the memory of those who have died of breast cancer
- To participate in memorial activities at team and community
- To establish permanent memorials which commemorate the courage
and determination of those who have died of breast cancer.
E) To compete in Dragon Boat Festivals and races
- To develop, train and maintain one or more Dragon Boat
- To serve as examples of life with and after breast cancer
at Dragon Boat races and festivals within Canada and around
the world.