- Gain control of your life
- Stay healthy and fit
- Spread a message of hope to everyone
living with breast cancer.
- Laugh, love life, and paddle together
We welcome all individuals of any age who are breast cancer survivors. Only those who have completed treatment and are physically able will paddle in the boat.
Supporter paddlers are also welcome. These are adult females who wish to celebrate life and paddle with us. When space in the boat is at a premium, survivor paddlers receive first priority.
Paddling season is usually May to September, but you can join the team at any time. You are welcome to come out and see us in action, go for a ride, or try paddling (subject to health screening and medical clearance, see Par-Q Form). We would love to welcome you aboard!
PFDs and paddles for practices are provided by the team.
All Members are required to complete at least
one Bingo shift (2 hour shifts) throughout the year.
Training by OLGA, and appropriate attire (team uniform) is required.
Bingo (Cambridge location) is our major team fundraiser
and has been very successful keeping the team afloat.
More information can be found here
2024 Season Dues
2024 Equipment Dues are $150.00 per season,
and this amount is refundable if you return all borrowed equipment in good condition at the end of the season, or when you no longer require it.
2024 Membership Dues are currently $125.00 per year. Payment due date will be explained at the May 13 Team Meeting.
Insurance Dues, tbd
2024 Regatta Dues are cancelled for this season.
The plan is to reinstate the collection of Regatta Dues for the 2015 season. Note that the regatta dues is refundable if a participant attends the regatta(s) for which they signed up.
***BreastStrokes accepts payment by cheque and e-transfer: please contact our Treasurer for more information.
If you wish to join us but do not want paddle
you are not a breast cancer survivor but still wish to give us your help and support,
we welcome you as an Associate member or a Supporter member.
For more information about BreastStrokes,
View our team rack card
or email BreastStrokes (General email)
or email Fran, Outreach and New Member Liaison
We paddle on the water from May to September, twice weekly, on our local lake.
As a team we work on paddling skills, strength, endurance and coordination.
We train for up to 3 or 4 race festivals per season.
We also have team meetings throughout the year and work together to fund raise, maintain our boat and plan social occasions.
BreastStrokes excels at pot luck dinners.
Our Team offers friendship and support. |